Constitution and Bylaws

Section 1
The name of this organization shall be the Portland Civic Players, Inc.

Section 2
The objective of this organization is the definite establishment of a civic group in Portland
for the purpose of fostering performance arts.

Section 3
The purpose of this organization is to produce dramatic, musical, and other artistic
entertainment; and contribute to, participate in and develop cultural and educational work
through all media, especially live drama: PROVIDED that any earnings of said organization
shall be devoted to the purpose thereof as above outlined.

1. Earnings shall be defined as that portion of monies remaining after payments of
expenditures and/or percentages to any other non-profit organization participating in
the sale of tickets.

Section 1
No person shall be permitted to become a Voting Member of the Portland Civic Players, Inc.
until he or she shall have attained the age of eighteen (18) years.

Section 2
The membership dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors with the membership
year beginning January 1 and terminating December 31.

All Voting members who have paid their dues are entitled to all privileges and the
responsibilities of the Portland Civic Players, Inc.
1. An Active/Voting Member shall be required to work in at least one of the following
areas during the membership year:
1. One (1) play production, or
2. One (1) active committee, or
3. One (1) special event (A special event shall consist of any public activity other
than a play).

2. It shall be the responsibility of a Voting Member to take an active part in the
decisions of the Portland Civic Players, Inc., and to attend at least two-thirds (2/3) of
the meetings in any calendar year or have excused absences (notifying the
Secretary or President if unable to attend a meeting) for same.  Failure to do so will
result in loss of voting privileges.


All Patron Members who have paid their dues are entitled to all the privileges of the
Portland Civic Players, Inc., except: Bronze and Silver members may not be elected to the
Board of Directors; hold any office or chairmanship positions; act as delegates or have
privileges until such time as they may desire to become Voting Members.
Current Patron Membership levels include Copper, Bronze, Silver and Gold.

All Youth Patron Members (under 18 years of age) who have paid their dues are entitled to
all the privileges of the Portland Civic Players, Inc., except: They may not be elected to the
Board of Directors; hold any office or chairmanship positions; act as delegates or have any
voting privilege until they reach 18 years of age, at which time they may become
Voting/Active Member.

1. Any participants in the Portland Civic Players, Inc Summer Theater Program will
automatically become a Youth Patron Member with the registration for the program.

All participants of any production will be required to purchase a Participant Membership to
the Portland Civic Players, Inc.  This membership will entitle them to participate in the
productions and events for the year of their membership. They may not be elected to the
Board of Directors; hold any office or chairmanship positions; act as delegates or have
privileges until such time as they may desire to become Active/Voting Members.

No new Lifetime Memberships will be issued after February 2019.  Current Lifetime
Members will receive two complimentary tickets to the spring and fall shows only.

1. Legacy Memberships (memberships passed down through the family of Lifetime
Members) are discontinued as of February 2019.

Section 1
There shall be a Board of Directors to consist of eleven (11) members as specified in Article
V, Section 1, who shall be elected by the Voting Members of the Portland Civic Players, Inc.
at the Annual Election Meeting as specified in Article V, Section 1.

Section 2
Five members of the eleven member Board shall constitute a quorum when the Board
holds business meetings.

Section 3
The Board shall have the power to establish all committees necessary for the function of the
Portland Civic Players, Inc. and the Portland Community Theater and to appoint chairmen
for each.  The Chairman will appoint their committee members; such appointments subject

to the approval of the Board.  The Board may delegate committee selection to the Chairman
at their discretion.

1. The Board shall select the number of plays to be produced during the coming
season, set dates for same and schedule ticket prices for these productions on an
annual basis.

2. *The Director(s) and Assistant Director(s) of any Portland Players Production
(including Summer Theatre) must be an active member of the Portland Civic

Section 4
The Board shall control all business, financial and other affairs of the Portland Community
Theater and Capital Improvement Funds.  The Board shall approve in advance the
expenditure of any money.  Approval of such expenditures shall be by a simple majority
vote of the members of the Board of Director’s present at any authorized Board of Directors

1. The Board shall have the power to employ and dismiss any paid position for the
Portland Community Theater and designate the duties of said employees.
Section 5

Platinum, Gold and Copper membership levels may be elected to the Board of Directors
with all the privileges and must abide by Active/Voting member requirements.

Section 1
The Officers of the Portland Civic Players, Inc. shall be elected annually by the Board of
Directors from its own membership, except the President and Vice-President, who shall be
elected from the Board of Directors.  Said President and Vice-President to be elected first.
Officers shall begin their term of Office on January 1 of the year following their election.

Section 2
The Standing Committee Chairman shall be appointed by the President.
Standing Committee Chairmen shall be as follows:

1. Publicity/Website
2. Memberships/Sponsorships
3. Fundraising
1. In case of definitions or questions as to the duties or jurisdiction of the various
Standing Committees, final decisions will be made by the Board of Directors.

Section 3
The Duties of the Officers shall be:

The President shall be the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Membership.  The
Vice-President shall be in charge of Committees and Liaison and Preside over the meetings
in the absence of the President.  The Treasurer shall be in charge of bookkeeping and
finance and represent the organization as needed in financial transactions.  The Secretary
shall be in charge of taking minutes for all Board Meetings, special Board Meetings,
General Membership Meetings and all regular meetings as may be necessary.  The
Secretary is also responsible for all correspondence unless otherwise directed by the

Section 1
The elective members of the Board of Directors shall hold office as follows:

1. In the first election, three (3) Board Members shall be elected for a one (1) year
term; and three (3) Board Members for a two (2) year term; and three (3) Board
Members for a three (3) year term: At each following election, three (3) Board
Members shall be elected for a three (3) year term.

2. Directors shall begin their term of Office on January 1 of the year following their

Section 2
In the event that a vacancy shall occur in the Board of Directors by resignation, or
otherwise, the President, with the approval of the Board shall appoint a Voting Member to fill
said unexpired term.

1. If a Board Member fails to attend two-thirds (2/3) of the Board Meetings during the
first six (6) months of the fiscal year, he/she shall automatically be replaced as
designated below.

Section 1
Regular business meetings are to be held in conjunction with Board of Director meetings or
at the discretion of the Membership.

1. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the Voting Membership present at a
regular meeting, with a minimum of five (5)Voting Members present.

Section 2
Special meetings are to be held at the call of the President.

Section 3
Board of Director Meetings shall be held monthly, on the fourth Wednesday of the month.
Special Board Meetings may be held at the call of the President or at the request of at least
three (5) Members of the Board.  Advance notice of twenty-four (24) hours should be given,
when possible, for special Board Meetings.  Board Meetings are open to the General
Membership unless specified in advance by the President.

Section 1
Amendments to the Constitution must be presented in writing to the Board of Directors and
at a duly authorized Board of Directors Meeting.

Section 2
The Board shall instruct the Secretary to submit the proposed amendments in writing to
each Voting Member at least ten (10) days before such amendment is to be voted upon.

Section 3
The Board shall also send to the Membership along with the proposed amendment, their
recommendation for adoption or defeat of the amendment.  Said recommendation shall be
obtained at a duly authorized Board of Directors Meeting by a majority vote of the total
Board Membership.

Section 4
The Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the Board of Directors present at
any duly authorized meeting of the Portland Civic Players, Inc.

Section 1

In all matters of parliamentary rule and law, RobertsRulesofOrder,in its current edition shall
prevail except where said rules are in violation of this Constitution.

Section 1
The secret ballot method of voting shall be applied for the election of the Board of Directors

and Officers, or for issues when directed by a majority vote of the Voting Members present
at a duly authorized meeting.

1. The ballot for the election of Members to the Board of Directors shall consist of the
names submitted by the Nominating Committee and provide spaces for the writing-in
of other names submitted from the floor and otherwise.

1. The Nominating Committee shall submit its list of candidates to the Secretary
no later than fifteen (15) days prior to the election.
2. Additional nominations may be made from the floor.

2. The Ballot for the election of Officers shall list the Offices of President and Vice-
President and provide blank spaces for the writing-in of names selected by the voter.
3. The Ballot for issues shall take such form as directed by the Board of Directors.

1. The Secretary shall notify all Voting Members of the impending vote, by
written notice, no later than fifteen (15) days before the voting.

4. The President shall appoint two (2) tellers to accept ballots, tally the votes and
declare the election to the Membership, stating the outcome of the election, and total

number of votes cast, and number of voided ballots.  These ballots then to be
destroyed at the discretion of the Secretary.

Section 2
In case of secret ballot voting, absentee ballots shall be provided for.

1. Applications in writing shall be made no earlier than thirty (30) days prior to the
voting and no later than noon on the day of voting.

1. The application shall contain the reasons preventing the voter from casting
his/her vote in person, current mailing address and signature.

2. The Secretary shall have ballots prepared no later than ten (10) days prior to the

1. Upon receipt of an application, the Secretary shall provide the voter with a
ballot or ballots.

3. The applicant shall return his/her ballot to the Secretary in a sealed envelope
bearing his/her name and plainly marked “Ballot”, no later than the opening hour of
the Meeting where the vote is to be taken.
4. The Secretary upon receipt of the ballot shall verify with the Treasurer the voter’s
qualifications and tender the unopened envelope to the tellers of the election.

The above Constitution was adopted by the Portland Civic Players, Inc. at the regular
Business Meeting held in January, 1956.

AMENDED – December, 1956
AMENDED – September, 1961
AMENDED – August, 1963
AMENDED – April, 1966
AMENDED – September, 1971
AMENDED – December, 1974
AMENDED – September, 1975
AMENDED – August, 1976
AMENDED – December, 1977
AMENDED – November, 1980
AMENDED – August, 1981
AMENDED – September 27, 1982
AMENDED – October 23, 1995
AMENDED – November 27, 1995
AMENDED – November 22, 2010
AMENDED – October 14, 2014
AMENDED – May 23,2016
AMENDED – February, 25, 2019
AMENDED – May 22, 2023

AMENDED – September 2023